Wine in Cans? Yes Please!
Cold beer isn’t the only beverage to show up at this summer’s barbecue, beach, or camping trip. Canned wines are making their presence heard. Think about it, a 375ml can is half a bottle or a couple of glasses and there is no risk of oops, I forgot the corkscrew or hauling out heavy recycling. In other words, a no-fuss way to enjoy a bit of good vino.
You may think alternative packaging is a gimmick or it may pose a tinny taste. Neither of these statements can be further from the truth. Canned wine has come a long way, sure we aren’t going to lay down that Rose or Pinot Grigio for the next 10 years, but that is not what it is about. Winemakers are putting quality juice into the can. Often times the same wine you would find in the bottle. Canned wine is for right now, straight out of the mini-fridge or cooler.
Here are four options to try today- light, fresh and fruity is the theme: